1. Lost In Space - Judd Nelson, Wayzata, MN
2. Vermont Winter Pastoral - Kat Clear, South Burlington, VT
3. Rough Rider - Al Kuhl, Grand Forks, BC
4. Seated Couple - Rick Haugen, Sioux Falls, SD
5. Waiting - Jaque Frazee, Milbank, SD
6. Mother's Cherished Moments - Ben Hammond, American Fork, UT
7. The Generosity of Creativity - Teresa Lind, Sheboygan, WI
8. Splash - Deb Zeller, Victoria, MN
9. Gone Fishin - Lynette Power, Winona, MN
10. Enigma - Michael Kmiotek, Madison, WI
11: Look Closer - Nick Legaros, Minneapolis, MN
12. World's Her Canvas - Lee Leuning & Sherri Treeby, Sioux Falls, SD
13. Equus - Bobbi Carlyle, Loveland, CO
14. Waldgeist - Lee Badger, Hedgesville, WV
15: Wonderer - Won Choi, Philadelphia, PA
16: Fleur De Lis - Christopher Powell, Denver, CO
17. Elation - Adam Schultz, Laporte, CO
18. Blue Heron - Heather Wall, Powell River, BC
19. Bunny - Gregory Mendez, Fort Wayne, IN
20. School's Out - Lee Leuning & Sherri Treeby, Sioux Falls, SD
21. The Farmer - Larry Starck, Loveland, CO
22. Criss Cross - David Skora, New Hartford, CT
23. Spinosaurus - Dale Lewis, Hastings, MN
24. Roost Here - Sally Jurgensmier, Heartwell, NE
25. Sentinel - Deb Zelenak, Lander, WY
26. Tree Of Life - Gregory Johnson, Cumming, GA
27. Ghost Cat - Fred Dobbs, Cumming, GA
28. Healing A Broken Heart - Lynn Peterson, Viborg, SD
29. Kinetic Weather Disturbance Ensemble - Douglas Walker, Black Creek, BC
30. Venus de Cello - Peter Vogelaar, Winlaw, BC
31. Natural Wonders - Michele Moushey Dale, Loveland, CO
32. Cultural Pedestrians - Sue Quinlan, Boulder, CO
33. The Monumental Professor - Gregory Johnson, Cumming, GA
34. Summer Distractions II - Lee Leuning & Sherri Treeby, Sioux Falls, SD
35. Circle of Friends - Karen Crain, Littleton, CO
36. Emma By The River - Betty Branch, Roanoke, VA
37. The Music Man - Paul Rieffer, St. Paul, MN
38. Huckleberry Daze - Jerry McKellar, Colville, WA
39. Dogwood Tree - Dale Lewis, Hastings, MN
40 & 41. May Flower & Puddle Jumper - Susan Geissler, Youngstown, NY
42: 76 Trombones - Douglas Walker, Black Creek, BC
43: Flourish - Anthony Guntren, Fort Collins, CO
44. Mr. Eggwards - Kimber Fiebiger, Minneapolis, MN
45. In Love With The Wind - Serge Moznevsky, Coquitlam, BC
46. Once In A Blue Moon - Craig Snyder, Plymouth, MN
47. Ralph Moose - Martha Pettigrew, Kearney, NE
48. Fish Story - Martha Pettigrew, Kearney, NE
49. American Architect - Martha Pettigrew, Kearney, NE
Lost In Space
Judd Nelson
Jacque Frazee
Gone Fishin'
Lynette Power
Bobbie Carlyle
Adam Schultz
The Farmer
Lawrence Starck
Deb Zelenak
Kinetic Weather Disturbance Ensemble
Douglas Walker
Rough Rider
Rick Haugen
The Generosity of Creativity
Teresa Lind
Look Closer
Nick Legaros
Won Choi
Gregory Johnson
Dale Lewis
PRICE: $9,000
Ghost Cat
Fred Dobbs
Natural Wonders
Michele Moushey Dale
Seated Couple
Rick Haugen
Deb Zeller
World's Her Canvas
Lee Leuning & Sherri Treeby
Fleur De Lis
Christopher Powell
School's Out
Lee Leuning & Sherri Treeby
Roost Here
Sally Jurgensmier
Healing A Broken Heart
Lynn Peterson
Cultural Pedestrians
Sue Quinlan
Once In A Blue Moon
Craig Snyder
Ralph Moose
Martha Pettigrew
Fish Story
Martha Pettigrew
American Architect
Martha Pettigrew
9 N Federal Ave, Mason City, IA | 641-423-5724